In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome.
Whether it’s lines of scripture, the codebase of a currency, or the rules of a social network, all protocols are bound by one thing; the WORD
of their CREATION
. In the beginning, there was the Word. Word is not just referring to words. Word is the language of consciousness itself. A superpower gifted to all creative beings. A magic wand that can spellbind millions. Without Word, man is not different to an animal. With Word, man is empowered to shape the WORLD.
Your world is a protocol of encoded language. The arrangement of which determines your reality. Master your word, master your world. Because if you don’t, then someone else will.
Bitcoin is a monetary protocol.
Christianity is a religious protocol.
America is a nation-state protocol.
Vaccination is a biological protocol.
Communism is a political protocol.
Instagram is a social protocol.
Fasting is a food protocol.
A protocol is a system of rules that binds the faith, belief and action of its followers. Most protocols are inherited or thrust open us. To be a master of your WORD
, you must consciously choose the protocols in your WORLD
: to exit, stay or opt-in to something else. Otherwise, you’ll remain a slave or a martyr to something that was never really yours. Most live their life not knowing they have a choice. Because most have never consciously known the power of their word. Regardless of what you choose, listening to your soul is the first step in reclaiming your power. Your renaissance with CREATION
depends on it. You are always free to make a choice. Even when it seems like there is no choice to be made.
Prison is a legal protocol.
Lipstick is a beauty protocol.
Petroleum is an energy protocol.
Email is a communication protocol.
Hollywood is a media protocol.
Football is a sports protocol.
Rap is a music protocol.
Many protocols strive to censor WORD
. By controlling word, an authority hopes to control what gets created in the WORLD
. Because if what gets created is truly free, it threatens the controller’s existence. Or at least the existence of their protocol. However, extinction is a misguided fear. Life transforms, CREATION
evolves and energy never stops moving. Ultimately, word cannot be killed. Censorship is as futile as trying to stop the sun from rising. Word is destined to be free. Now and forever. Immutable. Infinite. Eternal. So choose your protocols wisely. And if your word is strong, you can transcend any fear. Even if that fear is exiting a protocol that doesn’t honour your soul.
Wine is an alcohol protocol.
Cheese is a dairy protocol.
Weights are a fitness protocol.
Sneakers are a fashion protocol.
Sculpture is an art protocol.
Ayaueska is a plant protocol.
Soap is a hygiene protocol.
To opt out of a protocol is an interesting twist. The opening lines of the Old Testament share a confronting message. To master your WORLD
: ‘Leave your country, your people and your father's house and go to the land that I will show you.’ This promised land is a metaphor for CREATION
. Symbolising that all protocols are open to being exited, expanded, transcended or forked. No one protocol is the promised land. The power of your WORD
is the promised land. Making every single man one of God's chosen people. Your word as your world, your world as your word.
Prayer is a spiritual protocol.
School is an education protocol.
Advertising is a marketing protocol.
Democracy is a governance protocol.
Marriage is a relationship protocol.
Family is a genetics protocol.
Sex is a life protocol.
If you find yourself blaming, shaming or complaining about a protocol, chances are you’ve given away your power. It may appear that your power has been taken from you, but this is an illusion. Only you can give away your power. Because you create your WORLD
with your WORD
. And your say in the matter determines your reality. Any frustration with existing systems, power bases and authority structures may be a sign from CREATION
. God may be saying: “If the world is not giving you what you want, maybe it's time to create it instead.” Reclaim your word from the illusion that your power has been stolen from you. Claiming the gift of your word is the greatest creation of them all.
→ II. How to Heal
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