To “speak from I” is the pathway to truth. When we speak in “I am” statements, it takes courage, responsibility and awareness.
A. “I am” statements
Instead of speaking at others, about others or on behalf of others — like with ‘you, them, us, we, they’ statements — speaking from ‘I’ makes space for a deeper truth to enter the room. I am feeling. I am thinking. I am wanting. To speak from “I am” is the bridge to God. No one person’s truth is the absolute. But when many people’s relative truths are expressed it brings us all closer to the absolute. God is the absolute. We are all relatives of God. We are God’s children. We are of God, but we are not God. I-statements free us from trying to play God. I-statements free us from having to be perfect (impossible). I-statements humble the most hardened hearts to love again. I statements allow us to be human.
B. “Am I” questions
If you flip “I am” to “am I?” it allows for a clear line of communication with God, or in more secular terms it enables a deeper connection to one’s personal truth. Asking “am I” questions is a great way to check into how you are feeling and whether you are living your truth. ”Am I running away?” ”Am I on the right track?” ”Am I loving what it’s in front of me? A response to “am I” questions is spontaneous, instant and obvious. It doesn’t require analysis. A yes or no will arise immediately. Your deepest intuition already knows the answer. All that’s required of you is to ask your soul the question.
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." -John 14:6