Controlled Opposition Paradox.
The control of opposition is the opposition of control. Trying to control someone else, makes you less in control. Who is controlled opposition?
All god's creatures are controlled to a degree, and the degree to their control is through their opposition. We assume someone else is controlling us. The opposition. And this opposition uses other creatures to control us. It's less assumed its our opposition to ourselves that controls us. That we are the controlled opposition that we fear and complain about.
Opposition to what?
Opposition to the one in control. Freedom from control is freedom from opposition. Freedom from opposition is freedom from control. Our want to control limits our own freedom, because deep down we know we are never in control. It's an illusion. An opposition that we think is sent to control us is always an illusion because they can only control us if we oppose the one who is actually in control.
Who is in control?
When we go to God the controlled opposition disappears because we realise the controlled opposition is ourselves. To have freedom from control, one must absorb the opposition. People assume war is the best way to absorb the opposition. Make loving is another way to absorb the opposite as well. Our instinct is to absorb the opposition. First in war, then in sex, then in God (love). If we go to God before war and sex, we face the ultimate challenge of our own opposition. That we are not in control. That we are our own opposition. And this revelation ends our need for control and our fear of controlled opposition. No need to worship politicians, no need to fear them. By worshipping politics you’ll start to fear politicians. By fearing politicians you’ll start to worship political power.
Real power is beyond all control and opposition.
God is in control, but he's not your opposition.
Power is coming home to God.
Love is returning home.