I go for Sunday lunch at one of the best family-friendly restaurants in town. I see the head chef and owner of the restaurant on his break playing with all his diner’s kids. He loves the children but you can tell he is exhausted. His wife cleans up the table next to me. I ask her a few questions. This is the best family-friendly, quality food establishment in town after all. She doesn’t answer me. She is beyond stressed. She doesn’t want to be there. The guy at the table over explains the misery to me. The only way the husband and wife duo get through each day is through a fat line of cocaine and brain-numbing sex before bed each night. To only go through the misery all over again the next morning. Hearing this makes me sad. This is not how marriage and life are meant to be. I want a marriage but not in this way. I walk away glad that this is not my life, but sad for the misery that seems to consume the modern relationship. End of dream
Created by
Kristian Michail
November 19, 2022