Through 'purgative' simulations, we confront our emotional wounds and embody Emerson's prescription that 'bitterness sickens, but love heals'.”
A startup founder confronts the anguish of not ‘making it’ yet. Seeing how their own insecurities were souring family bonds, intervening now before it’s too late.
Start Simulation.
I am at the funeral of my father. The church is packed. Filled with touched lives. You can see the love in people’s eyes. More than I ever knew, more than I could see. Finally, I am at peace with the man he was called to be. I loved him as my father. But so often I demanded more. I was his greatest critic because I am the son that he bore. I saw every hole. I felt every gap. I heard every lie that would cover up the crap. I am his blood. For he is me. Everything he was not, I felt called to be. The fingers pointed. The moments of blame. I forgive myself for ever thinking this man was a shame. I honour his good. I accept his bad. I thank the man that I call Dad.
A man of heart. Giving it a crack. Even after I condemned him for being a hack. I failed to see the truth that was there. I failed to see the fruits that he bear. Being a big shot was never his love. There was a deeper reason why he was sent from above. I am who I am because of he. It is my father that has inspired me to be. His greatest accomplishment was the family he made. The world threw its problems, yet his vision never swayed. His greatest masterpiece lives inside me. He dedicated his life so I could be the best I could be. As I bury my father, I see his master plan. How grateful I am to be the son of this man.
Simulation Complete.