By practising 'communicative' simulations, we experience a clarity and wholeness that is the solvent of all problems.
A “graceful communicator” has found a powerful and healthy way to move on from old relationships without burning bridges and creating drama.
Start Simulation.
I review my relationships. Friends, clients, peers. Assessing if the people in my life are a match for where I am going. Those that are, the magnetic pull is obvious. Those who are not, I have the conversation where necessary. A healthy breakup. A respectful sabbatical. A warm goodbye for. Letting things fizzle out isn’t always the option. And no amount of ghosting or gaslighting gives a better life. Only clear communication does. And I make sure, I communicate my goodbyes clearly and warmly. Creating space for new life to enter. For myself and for them. I let them know I am walking down another path at no fault of their own. “Thank you for what you’ve taught me about myself. If we are meant to cross paths in the future, God will make sure of it. Bye-bye for now.” No drama. No despair. A parting of ways to open up the boundless seas ahead.
Simulation Complete.