All simulations are real. All cases are anonymous.
001: Fear Hunter
A “fear hunter” confronts their nightmare of not being able to be a parent. By experiencing this worst-case scenario and responding accordingly, they discover a power they never knew had.
☱ Body
002: Startup Founder
A “startup founder” confronts the anguish of not ‘making it’ yet, after ten years of trying. Seeing how personal ‘failures’ were souring family bonds, intervening now before it was too late.
☱ Family
003: Digital Nomad
A “digital nomad” gets their freedom and power back after many years on the road, living off a laptop, playing a fantasy character, chasing a nomadic lifestyle.
☰ Spirit
004: Premium Weapon
A “premium weapon” tastes the future of his financial empire by declaring the exact way his fortunes will be made in the exact manner that inspires him most.
☵ Money
005: Self Defender
A “self-defender” is tired of suppressing what they really think to keep an old friendship alive. Their days of silencing their truth are over, even if that means hitting others between the eyes.
☳ Relationships
006: Personal Superfan
A “personal superfan” builds out their own ideas instead of sulking about the ‘officially approved’ narratives being recycled and regurgitated in mainstream circles.
☲ Mind
007: Physical Specimen
A “physical specimen” expands their spiritual outlook to embrace material appearances. Realising that divinity can come through stylish appearances.
☷ Body
008: Straight Shooter
A “straight shooter ” realises poor conversations happen when they avoid their own greatest talent. The straighter they speak, the richer they become.
☴ Social
009: Graceful Ender
A “graceful ender” has found a powerful and healthy way to move on from old relationships without burning bridges and creating drama.
☳ Relationships
010: Original Marketer
A “nameless nobody” turns his heavy relationship with marketing into one of the greatest love stories known to man.
☶ Business
011: Play Maker
A “play maker” experiences how the most mundane and everyday errands are the greatest opportunities to create, share and bring life into existence.
☴ Social
012: Bitter Stranger
To keep themselves safe, a “bitter stranger” confronts the pattern of killing conversations with other strangers. This defensive habit is robbing them of meeting people and building relationships.
☴ Social
013: Unconditional Lover
An “unconditional lover” faces the inevitable fact that every path faces interpersonal challenges. That running from ugliness is not an end solution and that, eventually, all forms of ugliness must be faced.
☳ Relationships
014: Truth Speaker
A “truth speaker” faces the soft lies they’ve told the world that gradually eroded their self-respect. By calling it for what it is, the strength of their convictions instantly return.
☵ Money
015: Real Deal
A “real deal” experiences the world he wants to be waking up to many years into the future. Where their vision is so clear, it silences the noise of any short-term distractions.
☱ Family
016: Blood Protector
A “blood protector” re-lives a vivid dream where the message for love is loud and clear. The person they want to be will always protect their own, no matter how ugly. Even if the person who needs love is themself.
☱ Family