- What area in your life is not working? Unwinnable against men, Unwanted by woman, Unrespected by father. Impossible game, doomed by suffering.
‘Damaged Goods”, “Poor Investment”, “Wasted Potential” Avoiding domination of: - parent’s retribution (unloved/unsafe): safety, approval - working for someone else (unrespected): approval - getting ignored by customers (undemanded) - getting overlooked by woman (unwanted)
- What are you doing, having and being here? Doing: lead by ideas, share dirty laundry, on-selling someone else’s tech, approaching people ‘ahead’ of me, hoping for subsidy, living off parent’s goodwill, borrowed their crypto without telling them Having: little tangible fruit (gf, money, house, influence, independence, income, case studies, testimonials) Being: Angry, Bitter
- What are you not doing, having or being that is missing? Not Doing: employment, paying rent, saving, living out of home, dating, selling, servicing, Not Having: basics handled Not Being: responsible, mature, normal, accountable
- What possibility would love to experience instead? Imperfect Audatious
- What is the specific scene or location where this possibility could take place?.
- What is the specific event in the scene that is evidence that the possibility has come true? 100 best-effort pitches No stone unturned Perfectlty imperfect
- What action can you take in the scene as if your possibility has come true? Transform a stranger’s life.