Welcome to simulations. The future of consciousness.
Simulation has never existed. Not until now. Not until you choose the simulation you’ve been given. Simulation is your past. Simulation is your future. Simulation is your coming home. I can’t tell you what simulation is. I can’t tell you how flowers smell either. It’s not my job to tell you. It’s your job to experience it yourself. And until you do, you’ll never be satisfied. You don’t know what simulation is. You have an idea. But you have an idea about many things. Your whole life remains an idea until you experience it.
You want to know what simulation is. But no amount of
And until you experience simultion, your life will continue being an idea.
What is it? What is it? Tell me. What is it? I can’t tell you what simulation is. Just like I can’t tell you how flowers smell either. It’s not my job to tell you. It’s my job to help show you. But only you can answer the question. To know simulation and experience it yourself. My words will never satisfy you. And even if they’re charming, don’t buy the lie. Because only you can experience your own truth. And until you experience simulation, You’ll never know what it is.
Hello, My name is Kristian Michail.
A man full of questions in a world full of answers. All I can tell you is what simulation is not. And even then, it’s not the truth. Only you can answer that question for yourself. Simulation is not: It's not artificial Intelligence. The greatest technology still lives between the ears on your head and the drum in your chest. Your natural intelligence is the priority. Simulation honours that. It’s not virtual reality. Virtual worlds can be cool, but they’re not necessary. You can simulate your own world already with your eyes closed. No fancy hardware or special equipment is required. It’s not meditation There is no need to silence your mind. Your thoughts and feelings are sacred. Simulation welcomes all of you. Especially, the parts you are scared of. When they are loved, they silence themselves.
It's not coaching There are no directions to take or experts to follow. No one is coming to save you. With simulation, you don’t need saving. It's not therapy There are no diseases to diagnose or pills to swallow. You are responsible for your own healing. You are the expert of your life. Simulation reminds you of that.
It’s not psychedelics. There is no vine to drink or pipe to smoke. No ingestion is needed. The most potent magic you generate is what you simulate within. It’s not God. There is no altar to worship or spirit to deny. Whether you believe in God or not, what matters is your experience. And just like Simulation, experience requires no explanation.
Simulation has never existed. Not until now. And now is the time to experience your existence.
Simulations is not: Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality Second Brain Psychedelics Productivity Meditation Coaching Therapy Prayer Yoga God
Virtual Reality
Simulation is not what you think. Simulation is what you feel.