How it works
We can’t tell you how simulation works.
We will try to explain it, but it's only an explanation and by no means ‘the truth.’ An explanation is an attempt to describe an experience, but it’s never the real thing. To know the real thing can only be experienced. Describing how tunes are made or how a song sounds is not the music itself. Even if you know (or think you know) how something works, it doesn’t guarantee you what you really want. Because what you really want can only be experienced. But, here’s our explanation: Word. In the beginning, there was Word. Some call it the big bang, others call it God. It’s the language of all consciousness. The source of life itself. Religion and science are saying the same thing. Word is the root code of all programs ever run. It’s the atom, it’s the eve, it’s the everything. World. All books ever written, all gardens ever planted, all babies ever conceived. Letters on a page. Seeds in the soil. Sperm in the womb. All worlds are the offspring of the same life force. Word is the energy, the essence, the ether. Word is not just words. Word is words and everything else. Word is the matter that creates life itself. Creator. You are the author of your own universe. The writer of your own story. The maker of your reality. You are the creator and the created. You are a product of the world, and the world is a product of your word. And whether you are conscious of it or not, you are always creating. Because who you are is Creation. Creation. Simulation is the conscious creation of your world through the conscious experience of your own word. Every child has a parent. And every parent is a child. Worlds are the birth children of their parental Creator. A pro—creation of reality. Where your worlds are Word birthed into Creation. Consciousness. Original sin. The leaving the garden of eden. To return home. Your life is a journey to return home. Home is creation. Returning to the source from whence you came. Your life is the journey to come back to the place you came from. There is only one morality. It’s called awareness. Your conscience splits the atom into two, whilst consciousness is the only thing that can make it whole. Your wholeness lives in your awareness. Some call it presence. Others call it love. It’s the synthesis and synchronicity of polar opposites. When you get present, time and space melt. There is no room for suffering when time and space disappear. There is no past. There is no future. There is only now. There is no space. There is no box. Being. To be or not to be. No matter what, you are a human being. Not the human having. Not the human doing. No matter what you have or what you do, can match the being. Being is your creation. All creations come from being. Creation World Time Simulation is to help you be the conscious creator of your world with through conscious experience of your own word. You are the author of your own universe. The writer of your own story. The parent of your own creation. Simulation helps you be the conscious creator of your world through the conscious experience of your own word.
We will try to explain it, but it's only an explanation and by no means ‘the truth.’ An explanation is an attempt to describe an experience, but it’s never the real thing. To know the real thing can only be experienced. Describing how tunes are made or how a song sounds is not the music itself. Even if you know (or think you know) how something works, it doesn’t guarantee you what you really want. Because what you really want can only be experienced. But, here’s our explanation: Word. In the beginning, there was Word. Some call it the big bang, others call it God. It’s the language of all consciousness. The source of life itself. Religion and science are saying the same thing. Word is the root code of all programs ever run. It’s the atom, it’s the eve, it’s the everything. World. All books ever written, all gardens ever planted, all babies ever conceived. Letters on a page. Seeds in the soil. Sperm in the womb. Word is words and everything else. All worlds are the offspring of the same life force. Worlds are Word birthed into Creation. Worlds are the children of their Creator. Creator. You are the author of your own universe. The writer of your own story. The maker of your reality. You are the creator and the created. Both the child of your own life and the parent of your existence. And whether you are conscious of it or not, you are always creating. Because who you are is Creation. Creation. You are the creator and the created. Both the child of your own life and the parent of your existence. Every child is a parent. And every parent is a child. You are a product of the world. And your world is a product of Creation. Simulation helps you be the conscious creator of your world through the conscious experience of your own word. A pro—creator of reality. Consciousness. Original sin. The leaving the garden of eden. To return home. Your life is a journey to return home. Home is creation. Returning to the source from whence you came. Your life is the journey to come back to the place you came from. There is only one morality. It’s called awareness. Your conscience splits the atom into two, whilst consciousness is the only thing that can make it whole. Your wholeness lives in your awareness. Some call it presence. Others call it love. It’s the synthesis and synchronicity of polar opposites. When you get present, time and space melt. There is no room for suffering when time and space disappear. There is no past. There is no future. There is only now. There is no space. There is no box. Being. To be or not to be. No matter what, you are a human being. Not the human having. Not the human doing. No matter what you have or what you do, can match the being. Being is your creation. All creations come from being. Creation World Time Simulation is to help you be the conscious creator of your world with through conscious experience of your own word. You are the author of your own universe. The writer of your own story. The parent of your own creation. Simulation helps you be the conscious creator of your world through the conscious experience of your own word.
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