We’ll try, but it's only an explanation and by no means ‘the truth.’ The real thing can only be experienced.
Here is our attempt.
In the beginning, there was Word. Some call it the Big Bang, others call it God. It’s the language of all consciousness. The source of life itself. Religion and science are saying the same thing. Word is the root code of all programs ever run. It’s the atom, it’s the eve, it’s the everything.
All books ever written, all gardens ever planted, all babies ever conceived. Letters on a page. Seeds in the soil. Sperm in the womb. All worlds are the offspring of the same life force. Word is the energy, the essence, the ether. Word is not just words. Word is words and everything else. Word is the matter that creates life itself.
The world is an algorithmic creation. All algorithms can be engineered. Beliefs can be upgraded like computer software. Updated software allows for the expansion of creation and consciousness. Word is the programmable language of consciousness. The word is code. The word is God.
God. All word is code. All code is creation. Creation is a code-based phenomenon. The word of what we tell ourselves first is the word of how we experience the world. Our word within gives the word without. Master your word, master your world. But you are not God. You are of God. To humble yourself, love creation. Honour the creator who loves creating.
You are the author of your own universe. The producer of your reality. You are a creator and the created. You are a product of the world, and your world is a product of you. And whether you are conscious of it or not, you are always creating. Because who you are is Creation. A maker of worlds through the mastery of word. A child of word with their own gift in the world.
Every child has a parent. And every parent is a child. Worlds are the children of Word. Worlds are the word of their Creator. Your reality was birthed by the word of the Creator. A pro—creation of reality. And now you create your own reality through the gift of Word. Whether you like it or not, reality is a Creation. Whether you know it or not, Creation is who you are.
You are a human being. Not a human having. Not a human doing. To be or not to be. Being is your creation. Creation is your being. It’s your birthright. It’s your home. Your life is a daily journey to return home. To come home to your Creator. To come home to Creation. Home is where you came from. Home is where you are going. The great quest back to a place that never ends. The eternal present, the endless gift, the forever now.
The safest place on earth. The centre of your heart. The home of your soul. Where all creations are ‘pre-sent’ to you as gifts from the ancient future. Where all the presents of life are presence itself. Gifts received in your awareness, by your consciousness, with your presence. Presence of what? The mother of all natures. Sent by who? The father of all creations. Return home. There is no past. There is no future. Only presence. Only gifts. Only love. Now and forever.
There is only one morality. It’s called awareness. Your conscience splits the atom into two, whilst consciousness is the only thing that can make it whole. Your wholeness lives in your consciousness. Some call it presence. Others call it love. It’s the synthesis and synchronicity of everything that you are. And everything you are is always welcome home. Home to love. The greatest love is your Creation. The greatest Creation is love.
Simulation is the creation of love. Simulation is the love of creation. Simulation is creation. Simulation is love. To love is to create. To create is to love. Love is magic. Life is magic. Simulation is the creation of life. Simulation is the magic of creation. And if magic is a heresy, then let us burn at the stake. For the flames of love burn hotter than all fears of creation.
All that matters is your love what you are creating.
All that matters is that you experience creation.