simulations™ Pro is our advanced methodology. Once your basic practice is underway, you’ll be ready to journey deep into the unconscious and advance across all dimensions of life. Desktop or mobile device is required.
Choose your future now, within 60 minutes of Advanced Simulation. Experience the greatest year of your existence with the Simulator’s Journey as you master all Areas of Life.
Advanced Simulation
1 catalyst 1 situational analysis 1 limiting belief 1 blindspot 1 deep desire 1 state change 1 new possibility 1 ego evolution 1 character build 1 standards upgrade 1 life lesson 1 source of truth 3 points of action 3 clear visions 7 points of integration
Simulator’s Journey
60 hours of immersion 60 limiting beliefs 60 blindspots 60 ego evolutions 60 character builds 15 areas of life 15 energy sources 15 anatomy zones 60 lifelong dreams 30 yearlong goals 30 quarterly targets 300 clear visions 60 life lessons 300 points of actions 420 points of integration
Areas of Life
웃 Recreation Play ⚋ Nature Beauty ⚏ Home Security ⚍ Sex Creation ☷ Body Vitality ☱ Family Belonging ☴ Social Power ⚎ Work Respect ☵ Money Freedom ☳ Relationships Pain ⚌ Expression Truth ☶ Business Value ☲ Mind Genius ☰ Spirit Grace ❍ World Wisdom
Pro Features
Basic Simulation
Apply our base methodology and get quick wins with your most pressing life challenges. Within 15 minutes of practice, experience immediate shifts in Self that will influence how you think, feel, speak and act moving forward. Clarify and take authentic action that aligns with your deepest desires.
Asynchronous Sessions
Unlock the flexibility of on-demand simulations designed to fit into your busy schedule. Dive into the depths of self-exploration at your own pace, allowing you to go as fast or as deep as you desire. Experience the power of simulation on your own terms, at the exact moment you need it.
Advanced Simulation
Within 60 minutes, unlock parts of Self that have been dormant for decades. Discover your most hidden treasures and secret mysteries by exploring the uncharted territories of your inner world. Go on quests into your past and future, and return to the present more inspired than ever.
Simulator’s Journey
Embark on an odyssey of extraordinary quests through a 100-hour advanced simulation journey, that covers all areas of life. Experience the most meaningful goals, visions, and action paths that honour your highest Self. It’s a rite of passage for a future of your choice.
$1 per year
Basic commitment. Start anytime.
- 15min Sessions
- Basic Simulations
- Session Notes
- Basic Training
- Basic Simulator
12 months
$2975 per year
Yearlong Commitment. Paid Annually.
- 1hr Advanced Training
- 60min Sessions
- Advanced Simulations
- Simulator’s Journey
- Advanced Simulator
- Community Circle
12 months
Lifelong Commitment. One time, paid upfront.
- simulations™ Pro
- Lifetime Access
- Lifetime Support
- Unlimited Simulations
- simulations™ OS Alpha
- OS Equity Pool