The Book of Simulation Simulating reality with the world’s top creators.

The Book of Simulations
1000 copies.
An intimate showcase of how the world’s top founders and creators think feel and act in their everyday lives. Creation is not limited to business or work, creation is a way of being across all areas of life. We explore the ways of being that drive the most inspired creators to their most inspired creations. A chapter dedicated to a creator will not only cover their backstory but will go to work on simulating a reality that’s most important to their life. Each creator will create something in their simulation that’s never been created before. Lineup: Kain Warwick (Synthetix), Sahil Lavingia (Gumroad), Joscha Bach (Liquid AI), Joseph Jacks (OSS Capital), Trent McConaghy (Ocean Protocol), Sari Azout (Sublime). More TBA. Publisher: ₽ Prophit
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