- What area in your life is either working well or not working well at all? Intimacy with woman
- What identity or label have you constructed for yourself in relation to this area? Chump
- What are you doing, having and being here? Doing: porn, living at home, hope to meet someone, cocaine Having: resignation, no sex, no dates, no numbers, no chats, no calls, no texts Feeling: sad, defeated, hopeless, disconnected Being: avoidant, distant, analytical
- What are you not doing, having or being that is missing? Not Doing: stopping girls in the street, approaching girls in groups, letting them know, asking if they’re single Not Having: experiences, moments, engagement, conversations Not feeling: satisfied, excited, Not Being: courageous, honest,
- What possibility would love to experience being instead? Elegance
- What specific event or result would be evidence that this new possibility has come true? Make my and their day with my elegance
- What action could you take following this event to bring the possibility to life?
Counting my tales of elegance. 30 days cool things I’ve said.