The promises you make in life start you dancing with the joy of that “splendid torch.” The promises you keep will ensure that you keep dancing. A promise is your word, whether spoken or implied, cast forth into physical reality. It’s a covenant you make with the world. It says: This shall be done. When you make a promise you set up an energy imbalance.
Think about this for a moment. Let’s say you tell your best friend you’ll take him or her to dinner next Wednesday night as a birthday present. Notice that you create a tension, the expectation of something yet to be done. When you put your word out before you, you create a gap that can only be closed when you do what you said you’d do. Now imagine that it’s Wednesday and you’re at dinner with your friend. See how the tension resolves? The energy field is now balanced. The energy dance that keeps us moving on our path involves creating and resolving imbalances. When we produce a gap we’re pulled forward to close it.
This is one of the reasons I asked you to make a Treasure Map for each of your goals. The map’s graphic and colorful representation of your promise keeps you mindful of the gap. The more it is in your consciousness, the more likely you will engage in Authentic Action to achieve your goal. At that point, the rift is closed and you move on to create the next one.
BROKEN PROMISES We often neglect to consider the effect of not keeping our promises. When we don’t do what we said we’d do, we’re left with the tension of incompletion. Unfulfilled promises are energy drains because, Monkey Mind’s warnings to the contrary, we expend more energy keeping open a gap than we do when we resolve it. Each unfulfilled promise draws energy to it and becomes a block to the flow. It saps your power. You become too physically, emotionally, and even spiritually tired, and have no energy for the dance!
Interestingly enough, it doesn’t matter with whom you made your promise. The universe doesn’t care with whom you made the contract. Not keeping your word to yourself is still not keeping your word. It produces the same gap. It’s no more laudable than failing to keep a promise with anyone else.
the bridge between you and financial miracles is built from the promises you keep. Unfinished business—that pile of unpaid bills, forgotten loans, missed appointments—weighs you down. Your step becomes heavy. But keep your word regarding money and you gain the energy to bring your dreams from the metaphysical into the physical. When you are traveling light, miracles just seem to occur all around you.
Whereas the amount of energy around us is infinite, we aren’t! We are designed to channel a limited amount of energy during our lives. We have a limited amount of time, physical energy, creativity, and even money to work with.
The supply is infinite. We, on the other hand, have been designed to create in physical reality, with all its constraints. So our access to the supply is not infinite. The hero’s purpose is to discover just how much he or she can create by infusing energy into this limited, dense physical realm.
Our task in life is to become the very best conduit possible. To learn how we can do this, let’s look first at what hinders us from being clear conduits of energy. Look at the diagram above. Here’s what happens to most conduits in physical reality: After a while they develop “sludge” in the form of debris. Sooner or later, impediments block or lessen the flow of energy.
These blockages of money energy can take two forms: 1. Old, worn-out modes of thinking about money that used to work when we were younger but no longer apply to ourselves or to our lives 2. Incomplete money business: promises from the past that we haven’t kept, in areas such as paying back loans, delivering on contracts, or making good on agreements. This includes not doing that which will bring ease into our lives, such as having a will, appropriate it
As this “financial cholesterol” builds up, the amount of money energy that we can conduct dwindles. The pressure on our conduit increases. We feel frustrated, pressured. We need breathing space. The frustration you experience in being powerful with money is directly proportionate to the amount of “money sludge” you’ve built up over the years that needs to clear away.