Through 'expressive' simulations, we strive for alignment, as expressed by Roy T. Bennett which is to 'listen with curiosity, speak with honesty, and act with integrity'.”
A “straight shooter ” realises poor conversations happen when they avoid their own greatest talent. The straighter they speak, the richer they become.
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I help strangers I meet. My soul wants to give every inch of myself and leave nothing on the table. I’ve grown tired of pointless arguments, empty questions, dead conversations. There is nothing poorer than hollow encounters. Real talk is calling. I am ready to pick up the phone. I get a special kind of business card printed. To stay in the mind of every connection I ever meet again. Asking questions of people they will ponder for years. Sharp as an arrow, direct to the point. “Take my card. Contact me when you are ready.” Instead of avoiding my God-given talent with petty nonsense, valuable service becomes my playground instead. Poverty thrives in miserable conversations. The richer my conversations, the richer the world becomes.
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